ENTREpreneurship Practices in VET
COVID-19 crisis shed light on the key enabling factors for effective digital education and training: connectivity and suitable digital equipment for learners and educators; teachers and trainers that are confident and skilled in using digital technology to support their teaching and adapted pedagogy; leadership; collaboration and the sharing of good practice and innovative teaching methods.
Our Objective
to upskill VET workers who then, work to decrease the number of (at-risk) NEETs by improving their employability through a co-created entrepreneurship training programme that enhances both digital and entrepreneurial skillsets.
The educators will learn to use digital tools and create entrepreneur hubs within partner organisation centres in local communities with a high number of hard to reach NEETs. From within these hubs, young people will learn to develop and create solutions that answer to the specific needs of the deprived communities in which they live.
People with Basic Digital Skills in 2019
Youth Unemployment Rate in 2019
We intend to increase their entrepreneurial skills, as well as their self-respect and motivation. Through this innovative co-created service, we
intend to engage 28 teachers, trainers, youth workers who in turn will engage 280 young people. We aim for 30% of these youths to progress into further training/education or
becoming (self-)employed. This will reduce costs for local welfare organisations, and employment services (the average annual EU cost of youth unemployment is around 18,000
Euros per person).