C2 Training Event

C2 Training Event
20-23 September 2022 – Aldershot (United Kingdom)


Training for NEETs

The C2 training event was successfully organised and hosted by WSX Enterprise, in collaboration with MADPL. Over 40 NEETs have benefited from this event, gaining more knowledge on entrepreneurship. Trainings were delivered by 14 ENTREPVET trainers from UK, Italy, Romania, Greece, Turkey and The Netherlands, who’ve prepared presentations, games and workshops for the group. 

At the end of the week, participants went on a trip to Guildford, a nearby town rich in history and interesting touristic points. 


Topics covered

  • Communication  – Bucovina Institute (Romania)
  • Self-Employment – WSX Enterprise (UK)
  • Networking – MUSEV (Turkey)
  • Confidence building & motivation – Athens Lifelong Learning Institute (Greece)
  • Digital Toolkit – Pro Work (The Netherlands)
  • Social Economy – MADPL (UK)