
Meet our Expert team

Applicant Organisation – WSX ENTERPRISE LIMITED

United Kingdom

WSX Enterprise operates across central Southern UK as a business support organisation for new entrepreneurs and supporting established businesses. Previously we were a
government agency operating the Business Link service across three counties. We work with young people and adults in local communities and enterprises to provide training,
business skills advice, one to one mentoring, and support on specialist areas such as new business funding and digital technologies for young people and adults interested in
entrepreneurship. We work with schools, colleges, stakeholder and business representative organisations, as well as over 6000 enterprises every year.

Duemilano Agenzia Sociale


We are a Social Cooperative for multiple purposes type A + B, Non-Profit Organization of Social Utility, which, through its staff, offers for 30 years social
services, education, and rehabilitation in favor of the citizens, public and private entities. Our aim is to pursue the general interests of the community to human promotion and social integration of people, protecting and enhancing the
rights and interests of citizens and those of its workers.

Make a Dream Publishing Limited


The director has been involved in European Funded projects since 2004 and has raised over €3,000,000 for organisations across Europe. The company’s initial focus was to promote products, books, e-books and DVDs online primarily around self-development. Its primary focus is to make the director’s experience more widely available to other organisations across Europe in their pursuit of EU funding, particularly with Erasmus Plus.

Bucovina Institute


We are an adult education NGO founded in 2011, from the Northern part of Romania with experience in LLP and Erasmus+ supporting employment and social inclusion through non-formal education and qualifications. We have one department on teaching languages with practice on teaching Spanish, Italian and English for Romanian people which intend to work abroad and refugees coming from Ukraine border and residence of migrant center from Radauti.

Athens Lifelong Learning Institute


We are a research and education institute, based in Athens, Greece. Our mission is to foster and enhance innovation processes mainly in the
areas of education and lifelong learning, knowledge society, and social inclusion.
We exhibit an active interest in a number of social issues such as social exclusion, discrimination, and suppression of human rights and have attempted through the
implementation of learning methodologies to moderate their impact.

Stichting Kenniscentrum Pro Work


Pro Work is a centre of excellence established in The Netherlands. Foundation Knowledge centre PRO WORK promotes the (career) development of people with a (significant) distance to the labour market and the society, like vulnerable groups and others who need coaching, training and counselling in a wide variety of sectors and topics.

Musev Mucur Vakfi


MUSEV (Mucur Health, Social, Education, and Solidarity Foundation) is established newly, to give services to the population in the fields of Health, Education, and Economics. MUSEV operates with its mainly 40 members working voluntarily, for the development of cultural solidarity of population lives in Ankara, as because of settled in, also
in Mucur/Kırşehir which makes MUSEV, a national initiative.